Search results for References by stoops, m.r.
Roth, T.L.; Schook, M.W.; Stoops, M.R., 2018. Monitoring and controlling ovarian function in the rhinoceros. Theriogenology 109: 48-57


Stoops, M.R.; Winget, G.D.; DeChant, C.J.; Ball, R.L.; Roth, T.L., 2018. Early fetal sexing in the rhinoceros by detection of male-specific genes in maternal serum. Molecular Reproduction & Development 85 (3): 197-204


Stoops, M.R.; DeChant, C.J.; Pairan, R.D.; Campbell, M.K.; Blumer, E.S.; Bateman, H.L.; Bond, J.B.; Herrick, J.R.; Roth, T.L., 2007. Development of techniques for successful artificial insemination in the indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) 2007: 183
